Emperor Tamarin
Saguinus imperator
IUCN red list status:
Least Concern
For more informations, please visit iucnredlist.org

Emperor Tamarin s live in the Amazonian Tropical forests of southeast Peru, Northwest Bolivia and Northwest Brazil.

Their diet consists of fruits, flowers, plants, gum and sap, and insects.

They have 1-2 babies, which are born after a gestation of 140-145 days.

Emperor Tamarins live 10 years in the wild and up to 20 years in captivity.
Emperor Tamarin
About the Emperor Tamarin
Emperor tamarin's fur is mainly grey-yellow with a reddish tail and black hands and feet. They live high up in the canopy in groups of up to 15 individuals, and are a very social species, will happily live in association with other tamarin species. It is thought this aids in predator detection and food harvesting.
Emperor tamarins are omnivorous and eat a diet of fruit, insects and tree sap, which they take from trees previously tapped by other animals. Their small size allows them to access food other larger monkeys cannot reach.
Did you know?
Their name originates from their distinctive white moustache, which is said to have reminded explorers of the German emperor Wilhelm II.