Park Regulations

Drayton Manor Resort places great emphasis on the safety of its visitors and strives to ensure that the high standards set by the company are complied with by all those who visit the Park.

Guests must comply with the parks regulations. We permit entry to the Park to those willing to comply with the regulations as set out below.

We are sure that you will wish to assist us in ensuring that the Park and its facilities remain a safe and secure place in which to enjoy your visit. To assist us in ensuring your safety, CCTV is in operation in various locations throughout the Park.

1. All persons entering Drayton Manor Park are admitted subject to the following regulations. Any person who does not comply with these regulations may be removed from the Park by either Drayton Manor Park personnel or Police Officers. This is without prejudice to any claim that the Park may have against such a person or persons arising out of their actions. Whilst inside the Park, all visitors must comply with any instruction given to them by Park personnel or Police Officers.

2. Drayton Manor Park reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to refuse admission to the Park, ban entry to the Park, or remove from the Park any person who:

  • 2.1 Has been convicted of a criminal offence, which in the opinion of Drayton Manor Park, is likely to affect the enjoyment of other visitors;
  • 2.2 Has behaved in the Park in a manner which, in the opinion of Drayton Manor Park, has, or is likely to, affect the enjoyment of other visitors;
  • 2.3 Uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour or in any way provokes or behaves in a manner which may provoke a breach of the peace.

3. All persons entering the Park must pay for admission or hold a valid admission ticket that must be retained at all times and submitted for inspection if required by Drayton Manor Park personnel. Any person attempting to gain admission to the Park or being found inside the Park without a valid admission ticket may be ejected from the Park.

4. No child or children under the age of 12 will be admitted to the Park unless they are accompanied by a responsible adult who shall be 18 years or older and such child or children whilst on site must remain under the control or supervision of a responsible adult at all times.

5. No dogs, except assistance dogs, or other pets of any kind shall be allowed on the Park. Please note, no service dogs are allowed in the ride queues or within the zoo. 

6. Visitors are admitted to the Park subject to a condition that, if requested, they will allow themselves to be searched. It is prohibited to bring into the Park any weapons, fireworks, smoke bombs, glass bottles, barbeques, gas stoves or other articles which may cause injury. The throwing of any article which could cause injury or annoyance is strictly prohibited.

7. Visitors are not permitted to bring into the Park or use within; bicycles, scooters, skateboards, roller blades/skates or Heelys.

8. Visitors are not allowed to wear any recording device on the rides, this includes Go Pro cameras.

9. The consumption of intoxicating liquors is permitted only within Drayton Manor Park’s own licensed premises and not in any other location within the Park. Accordingly, intoxicating liquor must not be taken into the Park and any person found possessing alcohol, or who appears to be under the influence of alcohol, will be refused admission or escorted from the Park without refund of any monies.

10. Drayton Manor Park will endeavour to ensure that as many rides and attractions as possible are available for use by visitors. However, Drayton Manor Park reserve the right to make unavailable any ride or attraction and/or change the programme of rides and attractions if, at any time, it is necessary or appropriate to do so.

11. All rides, attractions, amusements, transport systems and other facilities must only be used with the operator’s instructions.

12. Unnecessary noise (such as that from the use of radio sets and other equipment), or any behaviour likely to cause annoyance to other visitors or confusion of any kind, is not permitted in any part of the Park.

13. The climbing of, or standing upon fences, barriers, walls, rides, structures or buildings is strictly prohibited.

14. Only persons authorised by Drayton Manor Park are permitted to sell or offer for sale any items to visitors within the curtilage of the Park.

15. Drayton Manor Park accepts no responsibility for any loss and/or damage, or personal property and all items are left at their own risk.

16. Admission tickets will only be exchanged/refunded if Drayton Manor Park, in its absolute discretion, chooses to do so.

17. From time to time, Drayton Manor Park or other authorised parties, carry out photography and / or filming in the Park which may feature visitors. By accepting these regulations, you agree that Drayton Manor Park or any authorised party may use such images in perpetuity in any promotional, advertising or publicity material in any format whatsoever. You further agree that copyright in these materials rest with Drayton Manor Park or such authorised party (as the case may be).

18. Smoking (including E-Cigarettes) is strictly prohibited in/on all rides, attractions, shops, restaurants and queue lines (Thomas Land is a complete Non-Smoking area).

19. Aggressive, unruly, insulting or unacceptable behaviour of any kind displayed directly or indirectly towards any Drayton Manor Park personnel will result in exclusion from or ejection from the Park, without any refund of monies.

20. The consumption of or possession of any prohibited or illegal substance of any kind by any person or persons will result in exclusion from or ejection from the Park without any refund of monies (and the Police may be called).

21. We welcome all those from the Sikh community on to the park but respectfully ask that upon arrival please notify a staff member if you are wearing a Kirpan. In the interest of public safety, individuals can expect that relevant searches and questions will take place, and we ask that you allow additional time for this. We stipulate that if you are wearing a Kirpan it should be no more than 6” in overall length, should be worn securely under clothes, out of sight and difficult to access and never be drawn from it sheath and a suitable clasp or mechanism to ensure it is not easily drawn should be incorporated. Due to the nature of some high speed, vigorous rides within the park, the Kirpan should be strapped securely to the body to ensure it does not move about freely during physical activity. Non-compliance, or failure to follow these guidelines will result in refusal of entry to the park and action may be taken to evict you from the premises should this be deemed necessary.

22. Guests are reminded that as well as water being a feature of some of the park’s attractions, certain areas of the park are within a natural watercourse environment. Therefore parents/guardians and responsible adults must ensure that they supervise all infants and young children at all times when close to water.

23. Drayton Manor Resort is a family theme park, guests are kindly reminded to dress appropriately and ensure they are fully clothed at all times during their visit.

These regulations are for the benefit of all our visitors and will be strictly enforced. Reviewed August 2022