Madagascar Tree Boa
Sanzinia madagascariensis
IUCN red list status:
Least Concern
For more informations, please visit iucnredlist.org

Madagascar Tree Boa lives in Madagascar.

They are carnivorous; mammals, frogs and birds.

Females bear 1-16 live young after a gestation period of around 6 months-young are born bright red.

Madagascar Tree Boas live up to 30 years.
Madagascar Tree Boa
About the Madagascar Tree Boa
This species of boa constrictor is endemic to Madagascar, with two recognised subspecies varying in location, habitat and appearance. Firstly S.m.madagascariensis; which inhabits the east-coast of Madagascar and grows smaller in size, retaining the green colouration. Secondly S.m.volontany inhabiting dry areas of western Madagascar, and are brown in colour.
Like many of its cousins, it has heat sensing pits to hunt warm blooded animals in the dark.
Did you know?
Madagascar Tree Boa’s have heat sensing pits to hunt warm blooded animals in the dark.